Good News! Northchapel Village Hall is OPEN!
However, activities will be limited to those permitted by Government – and even those will need to follow strict social distancing & hygiene guidelines.
All this will become clearer as the weeks go by, but it is a rapidly changing landscape so please check with the Booking Secretary at if you are considering organising an event at the Hall.
The Village Hall Management Committee has taken all steps necessary to ensure that the Hall is as Covid-19 safe as possible and it will continue to be maintained to a very high standard.
From the outset, hirers and users will also have additional responsibilities. These are set out in a Covid-related GOV Guidelines to our standard Terms & Conditions. An additional detailed risk assessment document is available here.
As Trustees, the Village Hall Management Committee has the right to approve those events which meet all Government rules and the Hall’s Covid-19 safety criteria – and to decline those which do not.
We look forward to welcoming you back to the Village Hall and thank you in advance for your cooperation during this time.
Northchapel Village Hall Management Committee