WIN Cash Prizes in our Village Hall Lottery
We always need to raise money to maintain the Hall to a high standard for all those who use and enjoy it. The Lottery is our official regular fund raiser and unlike the National Lottery, where only 28% of the money raised goes to good causes, 60% of your ticket money goes to the Village Hall (the rest goes to pay out the cash prizes).
For just £2 per ticket, you get a Lottery number. The more numbers you buy, the greater your chance of winning. With 40% of the money being returned to the first three tickets drawn - split 50% to the first ticket, 35% to the second and 15% to the third - you stand to win a significant cash prize. The more who enter, the bigger the prizes.

Ticket Purchase
Why not buy a years subscription to the Lottery to ensure that your lucky
numbers are in the draw every month. You can pay by cheque or standing order.
Contact either:
Sharon Holden 01428 707 090 bigbirdholden@hotmail.com